Use these 10 how to win Esports betting tips to boost your win rate up to 99% to earn ₹10,000+ & more – Bet with systems, manage bankrolls, save profits & more!
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When playing Esports betting online many players enjoy the thrills of betting with a good and entertaining betting experience especially using the FUN88 Website sportsbooks. But did you know that there are some professional strategies that can be used to win big online? Well, below mentioned are the top 10 how to win esports betting strategies that can boost your winning rate by 99% to get you to earn more than ₹10,000 in no time, so read the ways on how to earn from esports and start boosting your bankroll today.
1. Use progressive systems to manage your bankroll well
- The first thing you must do is make use of progressive systems as part of your how to win esports betting strategy because this can help in managing and boosting your account wallet’s bankroll balance.
- Progressive betting strategies however can sometimes be heavy on the wallet so be sure to use budget-friendly ones like the D’Alembert method which is a good way to learn how to earn from esports betting online.
- The D’Alembert method requires you to wager by increasing your stakes by one unit after losing a bet and decreasing it by one unit after winning a bet so that you can win back some of the lost stakes as part of the payout returns.
2. Make sure of wagering with the Ladder method on top leagues
- The next how to win esports betting strategy is to use the Ladder betting method especially when you are wagering on some of the top leagues for Esports Betting India.
- The ladder method requires you to wager by increasing the stakes to whatever amount you wish after winning a bet and maintaining the same stake amount after losing a bet.
- This way you can learn how to earn from esports betting by collecting the winning profits separately from your bankroll account wallet.
3. Learn to observe and read the sportsbook statistical data charts
- Another helpful how to win esports betting strategy is to make use of the sportsbook-given equipment like the statistical data charts that you can get for most of the matches.
- These help you access the previous match results of the teams and their scores to give you a better idea of which team has a better chance of winning than the other.
- Moreover, these help determine the betting odds as well which we will further look into the next how to earn from esports betting strategy below.
4. Wager more on betting options with lower betting odds
- Betting odds in the sportsbooks help in determining how much payout returns you can get since they are multiplied by the stakes in the sportsbooks, however, these also make up for one of the best how to win esports betting strategies.
- Betting odds that are high pay more and this is because there are more odds to defy, which means that the risk of wagering on them is high, and if, somehow, the odds are defied the pay is more.
- Thus, this means lower odds can give much easier wins since there are lower odds to defy. So, even if they pay slightly less, wagering on betting options with lower odds is a good way how to earn from esports betting strategy that you must use as a beginner.
5. Observe live Map 1 gameplays to bet from Map 2 onwards
- The next how to earn from esports strategy requires you to learn the art of observation when placing bets in the sportsbooks, especially on matches wherein the odds are not very clear.
- Thanks to the fact that esports betting is divided into different Map gameplays, you can make full use of Map 1’s gameplay just to observe which team is playing better and then wager from Map 2 onwards.
- Observing the live gameplay and comparing it with their previous match statistics is a good how to win esports betting strategy for making accurate predictions.
6. Use the given handicap conditions to predict match-winner bets
- When it comes to the betting options in the sportsbooks, some are easier to predict for example, the match-winner bets can be easily predicted with the handicap betting option conditions making it a great how to earn money in esports betting Tips and Tricks.
- The handicap conditions give the stronger team handicap scores while the underdogs get a headstart score based on their strength difference to even out the match.
- So, using this condition, you can easily understand which team is most likely to win the match since they will have more negative handicap scores in the sportsbook, and this becomes one of the best how to win esports betting strategies.
7. Do not tie bets in a Parley system when betting on leagues
- Parley system betting is a famous form of sportsbook betting online and is mostly used by pros, but as a beginner how to win esports betting strategy, you should avoid Parley betting.
- Betting in a Parley system requires you to tie two or more betting options in one single bet and thus, this would mean that all the bets tied together must win in their individual categories thereby increasing the betting odds.
- Since higher odds mean more risks as stated in the aforementioned how to earn money in esports betting strategy, we recommend avoiding Parley betting in sportsbooks online.
8. Track team info and forecasts to stay up to date on esports
- When it comes to Esports betting online some of the how to win esports betting tips and tricks lay outside of the sportsbook and one of them is keeping track of the forecasts of the esports world.
- Understanding the team stats, forecasts of upcoming matches, player information, team information, friendly matches, and more information can be helpful for betting on esports matches online.
- Moreover, this information helps in making quick in-play betting decisions with more accuracy than usual because understanding the sport you are wagering on thoroughly is a must to learn how to earn money in esports.
9. Never bet huge amounts in one go when betting online
- Since esports matches take a long time to get over and most of the time you can wager only on one betting option and wait to see which one wins for a long time which is time-consuming as well, many players tend to bet huge amounts in one go.
- This is something that you must avoid as a how to earn money in esports strategy for beginners because this can be damaging to your bankroll account balance.
- As a how to win esports betting strategy, it is wise to wager online with smaller betting stake amounts of wager on virtual betting to bet more on matches that take place quickly.
10. Boost your account wallet with any sportsbook bonuses
- The last and best way how to earn money in esports betting online is to make use of the promotional bonus deals you can claim from your online betting site.
- These bonuses are often given to new member especially when they make their first deposit in their new accounts online which is handy for using the how to win esports betting tricks above.
- For instance, at FUN88 you can get a 100% up to ₹15,000 new member promotion offer that you can claim as a first deposit bonus.
These were the top 10 How to Win Esports Betting strategies that you can use to boost your winning rate up by 99% and earn more than ₹10,000 in no time! So, join the FUN88 website and claim their promotional deal on sportsbook products to boost your account wallet and earn big on esports betting online today. Get a chance to wager on Valorant, League of Legends, CSGO, Dota 2, and many more matches at the FUN88 sportsbook today!